beruby blog
Visita el blog de beruby para ver las últimas novedades y todo lo relacionado con beruby
Opiniones de beruby blog
here is found a lot off information
i like it so much BeRuby, thanks!
As a new member, i have the feeling that this could top other sites because of its interesting features and potential income
Nice presentation,various offers from many tips of domains
Doesn't work
It worked alot better before, but I do like the new look.
I like old look better.I don't like changes too
From the very first visit, the site looks neat and professional. :)
The site is very informative.
I'm sorry Be Ruby folks, but I liked the old site lay out much better, I say, If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
keep up the good work beruby..,

i hope i can get a lot of pay for visit.. cause i only get 2 sites to go...huhuhu.., but its worth it anyway...
IE 8 Settings
If you have Internet Explorer 8 and it views all websites in Compatability Mode (meaning IE decides what is the best version to view the site), BeRuby won't work. The minute you uncheck the box and the site refreshes, everything works in the new site. It would be helpful if BeRuby put a notice about not using compatability mode with their new site on the home page.